Thai Massage Course
Thai Massage is a richly rewarding, holistic therapy that can relax as well as energize and assist in relieving many common ailments. It helps to attain and regain “balance” in the flow of energy (chi or prana) in the body. It achieves this through the application of rhythmic compression to energy lines and points together with deep stretching, improving circulation throughout the body. Prices already include TAX 10%
Aroma Oil Massage Course
A great reward for a special occasion. Similar to regular aromatherapy oil massage, which utilizes essential oils from plants, leaves, and flowers to massage on pressure points of the body. Yet, the heated warm oil lets our guest dive into the feeling of relaxation just moments after an oil is rubbed on the body as the heated oil helps soften and expand the muscle tissues. Prices already include TAX 10%
Premium course
Thai Massage + Aroma Oil Massage + Foot Massage
Prices already include TAX 10%